Recently one of my business partners suggested that I pick up a bestselling book titled The One Thing. With 4.5 stars and over 500 reviews on Amazon, I figured I’d give the book a try. After reading two chapters, I was struck by an idea that they put forth, and it is via an analogy of dominoes.
Morning Routines
Have you ever found it easier to eat a healthy breakfast, while succumbing to temptation when it comes to evening snacks? Perhaps you find yourself more creative and productive in the morning hours, while the late afternoon is often punctuated by what many call a “slump”. Whether your morning starts at 9:00am or 5:00am, the odds are that you find your best decision-making abilities and creativity...
Simple Meditation Techniques for Busy Entrepreneurs
Even a minor amount of short-lived stress can make an impact on your health (both physical and mental). While entrepreneurs often feel that they need to “go go go” in order to be successful, taking time out of the day to practice meditation has been a proven, effective method for increasing your productivity, providing appropriate perspective, and training to react appropriately to stress.
How to Take a Personal Retreat (and Make More Money Because of It)
Taking time away for a personal retreat is a discipline that not many professionals take seriously enough. We have enough going on in our daily lives that a break “just to think” sounds pretty unproductive. However, it is during those breaks in our routine that we discover whether or not what we are being productive in is what really matters.
Why Successful Entrepreneurs Journal (with Simple Guidelines to Get Started)
Because the brain is so complex, we often have a hard time juggling so many thoughts throughout our day, and end up overwhelmed, lacking clarity, or simply unable to process the jumble of inputs, floating thoughts and ideas. Fortunately, we can use tools to help our thoughts sort themselves out, one of the most effective being a journal.
Scheduling Your Day with Natural Energy Patterns
If you’re following along with the blog, you’ll know that this is week number three of my gainful unemployment. One of the biggest challenges that I’ve had to face this week is maintaining momentum, and knowing exactly what to work on. The former I handle through a mixture of Trello, Evernote, and Google Calendar. One of the biggest tricks, however, is to maintain that momentum–To manage my...
The Entrepreneurial Pursuit of Happiness
Recently I’ve been listening to a book entitled The Willpower Instinct, which dives into how self-control works, why it matters, and how to increase your willpower. I initially started listening to this book because I’ve been curious about diving into the reason why I have been an overeater most of my life, and why diets never stick. Side Note: I’m down 14 lbs. for the month, but more on that...