Getting started without an audience can look like an uphill battle. However, with a little creativity, some time, and perhaps even a little cash, there are a handful of ways to get that initial flow of signups coming.
How to Conduct Remote Video Interviews
Conducting video interviews can be a great way to add value to your products, make a rich experience for your blog, gather customer testimonials for your marketing site, etc. While it takes getting over the fear of rejection to gather up a list of people willing to be interviewed, the end result is worth it. Not only in the value that the interviews can bring to your audience, but moreover, in...
First Steps in Product Validation
Do you have a product idea floating around in your head? Perhaps you actually have a list of ideas you keep in Evernote, of ebooks to write, apps to build, or services to offer. Without spending the time and money to build all of those product ideas out, how can you figure out which ones will be worth building? How can you validate your idea?
What 8 Self-Funded Entrepreneurs Taught Me One Week in Vegas
Previously I had the pleasure of attending the MicroConf Conference in Las Vegas. Whether discussed during the talks on stage, in the hallway, or on a walk to dinner–these are the key takeaways that made the nearly $2,000 trip worth every penny (and led to me being a speaker at the same event the next year).
Strategic Guide to Reposting Content on Medium and LinkedIn
Most entrepreneurs would love to have a secret sauce for growing their audience. For many, content marketing is a great, but slow, way to attract new customers. The question is, does this copy/paste trick onto other sites hurt your SEO rankings? Though it only takes a couple extra minutes per post, will this strategy lead to growth or penalties?
A Simple Guide to Creating Amazing Marketing Videos
entertaining video will capture the attention of the viewer, giving you much needed time to explain how your app can help make their lives easier. While some explainer videos produced by top web agencies can cost over $30,000, there are many ways a bootstrapped entrepreneur can put together a high-quality explainer video for well under a grand.
Tracking Conversions with Intercom
In our digital age, we have more capabilities and information than we can handle. The problem is, we often don’t have that data connected in the right ways to show us how to make better decisions. By tying in your user’s behavior with the method used to bring them into your audience in the first place, you gain the insight needed to spend your resources wisely.
5 Bad Habits that Entrepreneurs Should Break
In my book, The 9 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs, I outline a series of regular routines that maximize your energy, save time, and allow you to enjoy consistent wins. Just as there are habits that should be added to your routine, there are also a few toxic habits that should be controlled. These habits are common to many entrepreneurs, and those who have found success have also...
Seth Godin’s Permission Marketing: A Review
Permission Marketing allows businesses to build relationships with potential customers and increase conversions by targeting specific groups of people who are more likely to be interested in what they have to offer.
Delivering Happiness
Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, runs his company in a slightly unique way. Instead of focusing strictly on the bottom line, market share, or outdoing the competition in sales, he is passionate about delivering happiness to both his employees and his customers. For example, the budget that most companies would spend on paid advertising, Hsieh invested in customer service and customer experience...