Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist



First Steps in Product Validation


Do you have a product idea floating around in your head? Perhaps you actually have a list of ideas you keep in Evernote, of ebooks to write, apps to build, or services to offer. Without spending the time and money to build all of those product ideas out, how can you figure out which ones will be worth building? How can you validate your idea?

What is a Mastermind Group?


A mastermind group is simply a meeting of highly motivated folks who share a common goal and are looking to encourage and help each other improve. Whether you are stuck in a rut, on a plateau, or experiencing slow growth, a mastermind group can provide the boost in energy, new perspectives, accountability, and resources necessary to take your game to the next level.

Simple Meditation Techniques for Busy Entrepreneurs


Even a minor amount of short-lived stress can make an impact on your health (both physical and mental). While entrepreneurs often feel that they need to “go go go” in order to be successful, taking time out of the day to practice meditation has been a proven, effective method for increasing your productivity, providing appropriate perspective, and training to react appropriately to stress.

Tracking Conversions with Intercom


In our digital age, we have more capabilities and information than we can handle. The problem is, we often don’t have that data connected in the right ways to show us how to make better decisions. By tying in your user’s behavior with the method used to bring them into your audience in the first place, you gain the insight needed to spend your resources wisely.

5 Bad Habits that Entrepreneurs Should Break


In my book,  The 9 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs, I outline a series of regular routines that maximize your energy, save time, and allow you to enjoy consistent wins. Just as there are habits that should be added to your routine, there are also a few toxic habits that should be controlled. These habits are common to many entrepreneurs, and those who have found success have also...

Analyzing 1,028 SaaS-Related Blog Posts: Key Takeaways


Have you ever wondered which direction to take your content marketing? After finishing up my most recent series of blog posts, I had to make a decision on which direction to take my next series. In addition, it was time to perform an analysis of my overall strategy during the past year. I needed a method of digging up answers to the following questions: Which posts of mine have done well in the...

Comparison is the Thief of Joy


Job titles, income, social following, successful businesses, free time, attitude about life, physical fitness, excellence at a hobby…These are things that I see other people excelling at over myself daily, and if I’m not careful, comparing myself to them on one of these metrics can potentially strip me of contentment with who I am, and what I am good at.

Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist

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About me

HI, I'M RYAN. I believe the best way to learn and remember is by writing things down and sharing them with others. This blog exists to help me synthesize and process my journey towards self-improvement.