Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist



On Being Vulnerable


We are social creatures, and relying on the expertise of others—even when it is to learn something for ourselves—is a part of being human. Just as we can grow by leaning on others, others can thrive when they lean on us.

PR Strategy for Startups


You don’t have to hire an expensive firm to have a Public Relations (PR) strategy as a startup. The beauty of today’s internet is that anybody has the power to reach tens of thousands, even millions, with a properly timed tweet, hacker news mention, or mention on an influential blog. You don’t have to make it onto a cover story in Inc. or Entrepreneur in order to achieve your PR goals, in fact...

Essential Traction & Growth Tactics for Startups


Why do 3 out of 4 venture-backed startups fail? I mean, these aren’t stupid ideas. Someone has to come up with an idea, validate it’s market demand, create a plan for execution, and articulate this via presentation to venture capitalists, who reject approximately 99% of the ideas they agree to sit down and listen to. The few that make it through this process must have a pretty good chance of...

How to Conduct Remote Video Interviews


Conducting video interviews can be a great way to add value to your products, make a rich experience for your blog, gather customer testimonials for your marketing site, etc. While it takes getting over the fear of rejection to gather up a list of people willing to be interviewed, the end result is worth it. Not only in the value that the interviews can bring to your audience, but moreover, in...

7 Tactical Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs


One of the best parts of being an entrepreneur is the ability to work on exactly what you want to work on. The flip side to this privilege is that if you chose to work on the wrong thing, or otherwise poorly manage your time, you miss out on achieving your greatest potential. We all have the potential for great success, so how do we leverage time management strategies to take us to the next level?

The Entrepreneurial Pursuit of Happiness


Recently I’ve been listening to a book entitled The Willpower Instinct, which dives into how self-control works, why it matters, and how to increase your willpower. I initially started listening to this book because I’ve been curious about diving into the reason why I have been an overeater most of my life, and why diets never stick. Side Note: I’m down 14 lbs. for the month, but more on that...

Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist

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About me

HI, I'M RYAN. I believe the best way to learn and remember is by writing things down and sharing them with others. This blog exists to help me synthesize and process my journey towards self-improvement.