Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist

Ryan Battles


How to Take a Personal Retreat (and Make More Money Because of It)


Taking time away for a personal retreat is a discipline that not many professionals take seriously enough. We have enough going on in our daily lives that a break “just to think” sounds pretty unproductive. However, it is during those breaks in our routine that we discover whether or not what we are being productive in is what really matters.

The Perils of Ignoring Exercise as an Entrepreneur


Many times the last thing we feel that we can make time for is exercise. Already we are stretched in a number of directions, who can take an hour out of each day to throw in another that, at first glance, doesn’t even improve the bottom line? The irony of exercise for entrepreneurs is that, even though it takes time out of your day, in the end you actually get more done in the remaining time that...

Tracking Conversions with Intercom


In our digital age, we have more capabilities and information than we can handle. The problem is, we often don’t have that data connected in the right ways to show us how to make better decisions. By tying in your user’s behavior with the method used to bring them into your audience in the first place, you gain the insight needed to spend your resources wisely.

5 Bad Habits that Entrepreneurs Should Break


In my book,  The 9 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs, I outline a series of regular routines that maximize your energy, save time, and allow you to enjoy consistent wins. Just as there are habits that should be added to your routine, there are also a few toxic habits that should be controlled. These habits are common to many entrepreneurs, and those who have found success have also...

The Quick Guide to Outsourcing for Entrepreneurs


One of the key personality traits of an Entrepreneur is that we like to hustle, try new things, and fill our workday with variety. A negative side-effect of this is that we also have a hard time giving up control. As an entrepreneur, we must learn to delegate certain tasks to others. Without delegation, the sad truth is that we stall the growth of our companies because there is only so much time...

Ryan Battles Data-Driven Marketing Specialist

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About me

HI, I'M RYAN. I believe the best way to learn and remember is by writing things down and sharing them with others. This blog exists to help me synthesize and process my journey towards self-improvement.