Honing your skills as a writer is of course essential for blogging. However, when it comes to our marketing websites, doesn’t the product speak for itself? Isn’t copywriting just fussing over the details? Why spend all that time and energy to eek out a tiny percentage increase in signups?
Essential Traction & Growth Tactics for Startups
Why do 3 out of 4 venture-backed startups fail? I mean, these aren’t stupid ideas. Someone has to come up with an idea, validate it’s market demand, create a plan for execution, and articulate this via presentation to venture capitalists, who reject approximately 99% of the ideas they agree to sit down and listen to. The few that make it through this process must have a pretty good chance of...
The Power of Focus: The One Thing
Recently one of my business partners suggested that I pick up a bestselling book titled The One Thing. With 4.5 stars and over 500 reviews on Amazon, I figured I’d give the book a try. After reading two chapters, I was struck by an idea that they put forth, and it is via an analogy of dominoes.
How I Wrote My First Book
It’s finally here. After months of planning, writing, and interviewing folks, I’ve released SaaS Marketing Essentials. Early response has been wonderful, with people commenting how much value they are finding in the product. Others have been asking me just what my process was in creating the book. For those, I write this article.
7 Ways to Start an Audience from Scratch
Getting started without an audience can look like an uphill battle. However, with a little creativity, some time, and perhaps even a little cash, there are a handful of ways to get that initial flow of signups coming.
How to Conduct Remote Video Interviews
Conducting video interviews can be a great way to add value to your products, make a rich experience for your blog, gather customer testimonials for your marketing site, etc. While it takes getting over the fear of rejection to gather up a list of people willing to be interviewed, the end result is worth it. Not only in the value that the interviews can bring to your audience, but moreover, in...
Morning Routines
Have you ever found it easier to eat a healthy breakfast, while succumbing to temptation when it comes to evening snacks? Perhaps you find yourself more creative and productive in the morning hours, while the late afternoon is often punctuated by what many call a “slump”. Whether your morning starts at 9:00am or 5:00am, the odds are that you find your best decision-making abilities and creativity...
What is a Mastermind Group?
A mastermind group is simply a meeting of highly motivated folks who share a common goal and are looking to encourage and help each other improve. Whether you are stuck in a rut, on a plateau, or experiencing slow growth, a mastermind group can provide the boost in energy, new perspectives, accountability, and resources necessary to take your game to the next level.
7 Tactical Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs
One of the best parts of being an entrepreneur is the ability to work on exactly what you want to work on. The flip side to this privilege is that if you chose to work on the wrong thing, or otherwise poorly manage your time, you miss out on achieving your greatest potential. We all have the potential for great success, so how do we leverage time management strategies to take us to the next level?
Simple Meditation Techniques for Busy Entrepreneurs
Even a minor amount of short-lived stress can make an impact on your health (both physical and mental). While entrepreneurs often feel that they need to “go go go” in order to be successful, taking time out of the day to practice meditation has been a proven, effective method for increasing your productivity, providing appropriate perspective, and training to react appropriately to stress.